Information in English

For the time being information in English is rather rudimentary. If you can not find what you are looking for please contact the board.

Here you have a short information video that explains what it means to be living in a tenant owned apartment (bostadsrätt).
Var vänlig att tillåta marknadsföring-cookies för att titta på denna video.

Recently moved in? Press here for more information

The monthly information leaflet Bofinken-Nytt contains a summary in English, click here 

The yearly leaflet Bofinken-Info contains a short summary in English.

These leaflets can be found under the menu entry "För boende".

Information about waste handling is accessible in the menu on this page.

For additional information in English please contact the board. Contact information can be found here.

Regulations for the barbecue space behind Wiboms väg 5 are given on the page that can be downloaded here.