Information in english

Here you will learn about HSB and what a tenant-owned flat means. In the bottom of this page you will find some useful information and forms.

For you who alredy live in HSB Myggan 1 there is a guide how to register your e-mail in order to get notifications about new documents that is för our tenants. That guide you´ll find at the bottom of the page "Information".

Cooperative housing

HSB is a cooperative and democratic organisation owned by the members. Together we are a strong force for cooperative housing and in building a sustainable future.

The idea of cooperative housing is a vital part of our mission. The rights and obligations between tenant-owners, members, board and the housing association are clearly defined.

A large number of flats in Sweden are tenant-owned. The ownership of a flat comes with certain rights and obligations. To have tenant-owner rights means that the members of a tenant-owners’ association own and manage the building and land belonging to the association. The members decide together when the building needs renovating as well as when there is a need to undertake larger environmental initiatives.

All members can influence finances and property management, both through the governing board and through their own actions. A tenant-owners’ association has no profit-making purpose, but rather works in the financial interests of its members.