Brand i sopnedkast/Fire in garbage chute

12 november 2023

Brand i sopnedkast
Häromdagen fick Brandkåren rycka ut och släcka en brand i sopnedkastet Ringstedsgatan 6.
Det slutade bra, ingen kom till skada men det hade kunnat bli stora skador på fastigheten.
Vi vill göra våra medlemmar uppmärksammade på att det inte får kastas något som kan orsaka brand i sopnedkastet.

Fire in garbage chute
The other day the fire brigade had to go out and extinguish a fire in the garbage chute, Ringstedsgatan 6.
It ended well, no one was hurt but there could have been major damage to the property. We would like to make our members aware that nothing is thrown into the garbage chute that could cause a fire.

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