
When you join a tenant-owners' association you will have obligations as well as rights.

Brf Tingvallen is part of HSB, a national member-owned cooperative organisation. The by-laws (stadgar), commonly called the rules, are required by the law and regulated by the tenant-owners Act.

When you have bought your right of tenant ownership you automatically agree to follow the by-laws and general rules of the Tingvallen association. The by-laws have been approved by the members at the Annual General Meetings.

The Tingvallen board of directors is elected by the members of our own local association (förening). This event occurs at the Annual General Meeting. We encourage you as a member to attend the yearly meetings. Besides the election of the board you can cast your vote on other various issues for decisions regarding the housing. At the yearly meeting the future of the association is also discussed. As a member you have the right to submit issues to be addressed at the general meeting. Deadline is last day in February, to submit a proposal  for decision (motion) to the board of directors.

If you who just have moved in and need further information about tenant-ownership at Tingvallen, feel free to contact the building manager vicevarden@tingvallen.se.

See also Tingvallens General Statues and HSBs general information pamphlets in English below.