Laundry facilities

There are 9 laundry rooms in the entire housing complex. In each, there are 3 machines of which 2 you can book. Tumble drying, drying cupboard, and a drying room are all included in the booking.

Monday - Saturday: 07.00 - 22.00
Sundays and other holidays-red days: 11.00 - 22.00

Booking system
The housing association uses a digital booking system where you can book either in the laundry room, via an app or computer. 

The two machines includes the tumble dryer, the drying cupboard and the drying room one hour extending into the next booking hours. 

There is one laundry machine which is not included in the booking schedule. This machine is intended for occasional needs. The drying facilities are not included when using this machine.

You are expected to clean up after yourself after usage of machines as well as other areas in the laundry rooms.

Laundry for heavy material
The assosiation has a special laundry room in house 12F. Contact the building manager for booking.

Dogs and other pets are not allowed in the laundry facilities.