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How to apply for a tenancy agreement with HSB Göteborg

Available apartments are published on Thursdays under the tag ’look for housing’, (“Sök boende”), and are available for applications from the day of posting to the following Monday.

• HSB Göteborg's available rental properties can be found under the tag 'look for housing', "Sök boende".
• Choose the tag 'Rent housing', "Hyr bostad".
• Write the preferred search area in the text box and choose from the scroll down menu one of the options followed by search. Our areas available for rental properties are Alingås, Stenungsund, Jörlanda, Kungsbacka, Kungälv, and Göteborg.
• If there are any available apartments in the area you have chosen they will be shown in a list. Click the selected apartment to see more information on the selected apartment and to submit your interest in that specific apartment.
• If you are a member and have your login details for Mitt HSB, you can track the progress of your submitted notices of interest. To receive email notifications of new events click on "My pages", "Mina sidor", in Mitt HSB, then choose "My profile", "Min profil", and click that you would like to receive notifications via email.
• HSB Göteborg chooses to first offer contracts to individuals with the most 'House saving points', "Bosparpoäng", thereafter to members with the longest membership time. Should there be no interested 'House savers', "Bosparare", or members the turn will then come to other applicants.
• The allocation of a rental apartment requires that you fulfil the requirements that HSB Göteborg require regarding your financial status when we process a regular credit check. When allocating a tenancy agreement HSB Göteborg will run a credit check regarding your personal details, financial solidity and any payment defaults.
• You have to be 18 years of age.
• You must have an income equivalent of three times the rent amount. Regarded as income would be;
- Income from employment
- Student loan and grants from CSN
- Pension
- Financial benefits from A-kassa / Försäkringskassa (Swedish National Health Insurance Agency) based on income through employment.
- Should your income not correspond to the required amount in relation to the rent you could be approved as a tenant with a guarantor. The guarantor will be required to prove a minimum of an income of at least five times the rental amount.
• Social benefits and or equivalent income support will not be passed as income.
• You must not have any payment defaults.

Subscribe to available apartments

In order to subscribe to available apartments you go on to the website and 'Search Housing', "Sök boende", and then click the tag 'Rent property',"Hyr bostad". Indicate in the search area which area you would like to apply for apartments in, as well as other selections for your subscription. You can choose type of tenancy agreement, size of the apartment, and maximum rent. You then click the search tag. If your search provides you with zero results you can still subscribe to that specific search. You can do this by clicking the 'Subscribe to search', "Prenumerera på sökningen", tag at the top right corner of the page.